Boehringer Ingelheim recently announced the launch of Vaxxilive Cocci 3, a poultry coccidiosis vaccine previously known as Hatchpak Cocci III
Vaxxilive Cocci 3 is a tool for the prevention of coccidiosis and also a biological alternative to in-feed anticoccidial drugs. The vaccine works to stimulate the bird’s natural immune response while minimising tissue damage. The vaccine contains the same proven formula producers have come to rely on, including three genetically stable precocious strains of the important Eimeria species that affects broilers. With shortened life cycles, precocious strains can achieve immunity earlier than non-precocious strains.
Since the precocious strains have a faster turnover rate, Vaxxilive Cocci 3 triggers less oocyst production and less tissue damage, causing the vaccine to ultimately achieve better immunity, while preserving barrier integrity and producing minimal vaccine reactions. In addition, the vaccine can be used year-round, enabling better management of coccidiosis with less likelihood of developing chemical resistance than protocols that rotate between vaccination, chemical treatment and feed additives.
Boehringer has also used this launch as an opportunity for process innovation, drastically improving procedures to enable more consistent, quality manufacturing. “Our experienced and knowledgeable field team provides industry-leading support to producers, regularly visiting them to review vaccination protocols, and create and maintain comprehensive poultry health programmes,” said DVM, director, key account veterinarians at Boehringer Ingelheim Poultry, Rick Phillips.
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